Prisons Sizing

Complete the equipment settings and application sizing fields to have Pro-Size calculate the estimated hot water loads. When ready click the "Continue" button to view the recommended A. O. Smith heaters for your project.

System Settings

Fuel Type:
Equipment Location:
Other Requirements:
- Requirements of < 40 ng/J or 55 PPM
- Requirements of < 14 ng/J or 20 PPM
Display CDN Products:
# of Heaters: Altitude:

Application Data

Cold Water Temp: °F Stored Water Temp: °F
Load Profile
Peak Demand Period: Hours
Shower Loads
Shower Heads: Flowrate: usgpm Shower Demand Period: Shower Recovery Time:
Other Application Loads
Public Lavatory: Service Sink:
Bradley Wash Fountains
54" Circular: 54" Semicircular: 36" Circular: 36" Semicircular:
Food Services Loads
Emergency Eye Wash / Shower Loads
Additional Load and Intentional Oversize
Additional Load: usgph(@ stored temp) Design Oversize

Load Summary

Peak Demand: 0 USGPH Temperature Rise: 100 °F
Sizing Notes

Hot water loads for pools, hot tubs, or other uses should be considered separately. Restaurant or food service loads should be considered separately if independent water heating equipment is to be used.

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A. O. Smith reserves the right to make product changes or improvements at any time without notice.